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Monday, November 1, 2010

Second Annual NaNoWriMo Procrastination

I am not doing NaNo again this year because I am a horrible person.

Last year was when I first found out about NaNoWriMo about 2 weeks before it actually happened and so I was a big wuss and like OH NO I'M NOT PREPARED I CAN'T DO IT. But I did tell myself that I would spend the whole year planning a rough idea of a plot and then I could do NaNo the next time.

It's the next time and I can't do it.

When I made the claim that I was going to do NaNo in 2010 I had not expected that the life as I knew for 20 years would change and that I would be going to a big fancy regular college and working and actually having a set schedule to live by. I've just been put into this schedule and I don't have a grasp on time management yet.

So my reasons are more legit than last year. I work 5 days a week on top of school plus I have my theater tech class that requires 36+ hours of outside school work so essentially I am working every day. Most of my "free time", that is not working, not being at school, not doing homework, and not doing anything essentially, is spent between the hours of 7:30-11:10 pm. Last year I had also not planned on reading 50 books in a year but after realizing I could do it I started that this year.

If I were not reading 50 books in a year I would more than likely be doing NaNo this year.


So what I AM going to do is write stuff ANYWAY because NaNo is about writing in general rather than writing to a certain point. I'm not going to keep track or anything I'm just going to gather writing "skills" and confidence. I DO enjoy writing. At least in the form of typing. I just like the feeling and sounds associated with typing really fast and putting thoughts in print as they come to you. (i hate writing by hand because I always get cramps in my hand)

So here are things that I am going to give up for 30 days November 2011:
  • Recreational Reading (meaning not for school)
  • A decent amount of internet use. Can't give it ALL up but I can cut back.
  • Whatever social life I happen to have at the time. I will probably go out at least once in the month to relieve the tension or whatever, though.
  • Becoming intoxicated. If all things go to plan then I will not have problems with this in the FIRST place by next year.
  • Playing guitar. It's going to SUCK but I spend lots of free time doing it.
  • Doing stuff with people from work. It seems that I am hanging with them more and more so I will need to cut back come next year.
  • And the most important thing I will not do for 30 days next November is I WILL NOT PROCRASTINATE ABOUT NANOWRIMO!!!!
I like structure so I'm going to have to plan things out like this so I am comfortable getting myself into this situation. I plan on getting the No Plot? No Problem! book from the NaNo website store. (As i'm thinking about it I should probably get in the habit of using correct punctuation and capitalization when writing "formal" things, like blogs for starters). I had some notes written out last November when I had started planning this year's novel but I'm probably going to scrap them because I generally do not like something I have created after it has existed for a while. This is going to be hard for me but I need this, in a way. I have probably never done anything for 30 days straight other than becoming intoxicated and reading Infinite Jest. I have already embraced that NaNoWriMo is a great thing and I really am jealous I can't find the time to do it this year. But I'm going to do what I CAN. And what I CAN do is attempt to do more than nothing.

1 comment:

  1. you could try composing short stories or essays all month to deal with the scrapping issue. i'm like that too, i'm already over my plot this year. and when i write songs i usually work on a bunch at a time and go back and forth between them. it takes longer to get one thing done but i'm less likely to get frustrated and throw something away.



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