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Thursday, October 8, 2009

If I did NaNo, the terribleness would kill people.

I'm talking on skype with a bunch of people. Some of them are mentioning NaNoWriMo. This is something that i've just recently heard of. Its where you write an entire novel within the month of November. All the "cool kids" seem to be doing it. But not me.

I am a horrible writer. Even as I write this I only have a vague grasp of what the next sentence is going to be. I don't really know what it's going to be until it comes out. Like this. Or this. Typing. Typing. Typing (jee, typing is so fun when you do it really fast) Anyways....

If I WERE to participate in NaNoaweroaiwefomweit;am;df, the end result would be a disaster. I have creative blocks. Not just with writing but with just about everything. And sadly writing is where lots of creative outlets are started.

Maybe I just need to do it more often. Isn't that why i'm here in the first place writing this right now? Actually, in this case, it's not. I decided to write this blog because of our skype conversation about NaNo.

Getting back on track. If I were to to participate, my "novel" would probably end up as all my school papers. I don't have any experience with long intensive writings other than school essays. Sure i've written short stories, but that wasn't since like the third grade. (that was also quite a disaster). When I write (anything) I tend to make it up as its happening on the page. Its kind of exciting in a way. The way the words just kinda stream through my head and make sentences that hopefully work with one another to form something. But as far as planning goes there's usually next to nothing buzzing around in my head. I have an inkling as to what I want/need to talk about and where I want/need to go with it. Usually i'll have a few specific points of interest along the way. Things that I know I must touch upon. But even that stuff is mostly being formed as its coming onto the paper/computer.

Here I am writing a whole blog about not being able to write. Maybe i'm better at it then I think I am. Maybe my writing "style" does work and I just need to know how to write something and then revise, edit, and rewrite it. Maybe I should keep up writing like this to gain my confidence and try NaNo next year (?). I guess I could, actually. Just not this year because I've only just found out that it exists a few months ago.

The whole reason I'm writing this blog in the first place is because of the skype call. (here's another problem I have: I babble too much and seem to mention the same things over and over. I talk like that sometimes too). I decided that I would come up with the basis of a story on the spot to show everyone what it would be like if I did NaNo. I write an incredibly short and unfinished plot off the top of my head. I didnt put much thought into it. I just tried to get through with the story portion then focusing on all the details that could make even a bad story bearable.

Anyway. This is the disaster that came out of my fingers within about 3 minutes:

So theres this guy, and he's walking down the street. he keeps walking until he finds this sandwich lying on the ground. he picks it up. it looks seemingly delicious. he decides to take a bite. he puts the sandwich up to his mouth. stops. hesitates. he begins to wonder what might happen if he eats the sandwich. he puts the sandwich back on the ground and walks away. the sandwich begins to glow. "eat me" it says. so he picks up the sandwich and takes a bite.

chapter 2: sitting in the hospital bed our as of yet unnamed protagonist is conversing with the doctor. he is told that he has aids....

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