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Monday, November 9, 2009

BEDN Day 9- Writing For the Sake of Writing/ NaNo 2010

I dont really have anything to talk about today but the reason why Im doing BEDN is because I didnt think I was ready for NaNoWriMo. So this whole BEDN thing is basically NaNo prep. It's writing for the sake of writing and for the sake of gaining writing confidence and credentials. Letting the writing flow and flow and when it doesnt flow, FORCING it to flow until it hurts!

In a way I guess you could say im forcing it now. Maybe somewhere along the line here ill think of something on my mind that I wish to speak about.

I guess I could talk about NaNoWriMo 2010 and how I'm getting really excited for it. At first, when I heard about NaNo I was like "that's something that Im totally not interested in at all". Yet somehow ive transformed my mood about it (tragically it was until a good few days into November). I actually wish I could have talked myself into toughing it out and doing NaNo this year. In a way I guess Im glad I still didnt do it because I wasnt/am not (?) nearly prepared for it. I know you may think that I am over thinking the whole NaNo thing. Chances are, you're right. If there's one thing i know how to do, its over think things and panic about them.

So basically I have an entire year to set up a plot for NaNo next year. This may sound like Ive given myself way too much time and it seems completely ridiculous and that i'm going to slack off till the last minute but honestly, ill need a good amount of time to think about it. Ive actually thought about it a lot already. The reason I need so much time to do things like develop plots is because my mind words very weird-ly. I get super impassable creative blocks all the freaking time. For example, right now for my plot so far i've come up with some basis for a few characters and a few good events that I want to include. These were easy to come up with because they are all from my personal experiences and I think they have profound meaning or will be really cool when I put them in novel form.

Other than those few things I can't think of ANYTHING else for a plot. Everything I think about is all from personal experience. Once again, my amazing powers of over thinking have taken place and I cant just think outside the box for once and come up with something of a plot that is not based entirely on my personal life. I dont want to write about my personal life that much because all the novel-esque things that I think about with personal events are really agnsty and poopy.

I dont want to write a depressing Catcher type novel, but those are the only things I can come up with. I do enjoy that kind of writing though. Theres a special poetic kind of quality to establishing misery in quirky ways. For example, right now im reading this fantastic book "Stoner and Spaz". The main character has cerebral palsy and every time he mentions something about his mangled form, its depressing, the character is trying to be bitchy about it, but the words used to write about it give it a sort of adoring quality. Maybe I can write a depressing type novel if I just know how to do it right.

I guess I just need to come up with a good conflict or a good something that a character can overcome. I really need to get like a main like, a starting point, a turning point, and an ending point. Sounds easy right? Well nothing comes out. I have this same problem when I make art at school.

Come to think of it, NaNoWriMo is a good thing for me even if the only thing I get out of it is learning to deal with over thinking things.

Ok, for my own personal benefit im going to write out a few things that I have figured out.

-The writing will be in first person. That im sure of. Not sure why but It just feels right so im going with that.

-The main character will be male because I dont think I could write first person and have a girl for a main character because I am not a girl so I dont know how to depict thoughts inside of a girl's head.

-Many personal events will be used to influence the events of the novel. Such as my experience with drug use (not experience of using them myself, but knowing people who do and being in that environment with them). I have not yet decided if the main character will be doing these drugs or not. It's something that I enjoy reading about though- hearing the characters describe the effects.

Other things that ive experienced that will be included are some of the dramatic situations I had in gradeschool. For example, I found out near the end of 8th grade that lots of people thought I was going to shoot up the school. I already turned this idea into a successful art project so im going to milk it further for character development.

Im also thinking about writing about my current experience with my friend in the mental hospital. Its a very strange situation. As my friend was having a panic attack in his front yard I looked at my friend (who happens to be an aspiring writer, something that I dont really think of myself as) and we both mentioned how this will be great inspiration for writing in the future. I figure a year from now, next november, i'll have even more on the subject to write about because more will unfold. It may even unfold to the point where I wont want to talk about it in writing anymore.

- the people I know are so defined within themselves that MANY of them are going to be making appearances as novel characters.

-i am very interested with the concept of a person's perceptions inside their own head (of themselves, life, how the world works, interacting with others) versus those perceptions from the view of other people's perceptions. One time I got so caught up in the idea I wrote a page of a screen play of sorts about a movie/video/tv show/whatever where most of the dialogue was just inner monologue.

The idea of multiple viewpoints on a given subject fascinates me. The fact that you can think about something one way and someone can come along and easily put just as much thought into it as you do yet come up with an entirely different understanding of the subject.

that's about it. at least all the ideas that came to mind when i tried to recall my list of ideas.

see? i do have ideas. good ones (at least I think so). I just need a nice way to kind of place them all together. and THAT is precicely what is going to keep my mind buzzing for the next year. Im hoping that eventually it will all just kind of work out and I wont have to put my brain through a shredder to make it my bitch so it can come up with good plot ideas.

wow, that blog actually kinda turned out ok.... weird.

1 comment:

  1. i always over think things, i just can't help it. it really sucks at times. i'm really not that confident in my writing at all so doing NaNo would be a terrible idea, in my case. your writing style or the way you're going to write your novel makes me think of Jake/Cohenism, and the way he said he was writing his novel. he said it was like his life but ...exaggerated, err...not exaggerated, i can't remember. but he said it in his podcast that he has w/ some other youtubers. http://nefariousfauxpod.podbean.com/ anyway, your ideas seem interesting. i like that it would be from experience. as they say "write what you know." i really hope that made sense in this context. if not, then just please disregard that quote or just everything in this comment.


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