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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BEDN Day 24- Hank Green's "This Machine Pwns Noobs" Album Review

I dont even want to go and count how many days i've missed for blog every day november. I'm a huge failure at this but I have lots of free time the rest of the week so lets see if I can crank it out the next few days.

Where can I even start? I guess I'll start with my expectations and how they were blown away. While I enjoy Hank's first album, So Jokes, I can't help but feel as if many things about it are missing or undercrafted (is that a word?). Many of the songs on So Jokes are great as they are in their acoustic glory, but then there are songs that I feel are badly recorded that make me want to press the skip button. It seems that all problems I have with So Jokes were looked into for This Machine Pwns Noobs.

I first expected This Machine Pwns Noobs to be in about the same format as So Jokes. I expected to have heard most of the songs and get a few surprises as a result of "album versions" of songs. If you're someone who just cant get into the simple acoustic and quirky lyrics of Hank's songs, you may want to give This Machine Pwns Noobs a bit more of a chance than So Jokes. I expected many of the songs on the album to be simple acoustic versions. I'm not sure why I expected this but I am here to tell you that ALL THE SONGS ARE STUDIO QUALITY VERSIONS! This right away makes the album feel more complete and makes the album overall feel like a huge achievement on Hank's part.

The album starts with the amazing song "DFTBA". You would think that a rap influences song by Hank would be disastrous but it's actually put together very well and the song is extremely catchy.

The next song gets me very excited. "This Isn't Hogwarts" goes into a category that i'm sure MANY people are excited about: Hank making wrock songs. It's easy to connect with this song and it's possibly my favorite on the album.

Next is "The Anglerfish". I don't have much to say on this song because I'm very desensitized to it from listening to it countless times off the DFTBA Vol. 1 Compilation. It's a great song. It seems to get better with age.

The song "I Know" is like a lyrical tornado (that's a compliment). You'll want to listen to it over and over.

Nothing too special to say about "Mules Are So Half Ass". I enjoy the amount of instrumentals on it though.

"Scuzzy Kizoozle Curl" is another one of my favorites on the album (one of my favorite Hank songs overall). The song is fantastic and Hank's accent in the vocals and the fiddle in the background gives the perfect mood that was originally intended for the song.

"Protons and Neutrons" is a song that I wasn't particularly excited about when it came out on YouTube. But this version, while still simple (probably the most simple on the album) has some excellent guitar work in it and makes the song much more than it was before.

"Dead Boy's Girlfriend" is another wrock song on the album. I'm not too fond of it because i'm not really into these kind of slower songs. The lyrics are pretty great though.

"Demolition Derby" is excellent. The fast paced lyrics and the intertwining instruments and backup vocals make for a fantastic song.

I really enjoy "Fathers of the Founding Fathers". My only complaint with this song is that Hank reaches a limit in his vocal range during the chorus and repeats a high pitched part a few times that makes me cringe when I hear it. Other than that the song is still great. It has some really amazing electronic instrumentals in it.

"Ulcerative Colitis" is great. It's got catchy off-beat lyrics that make for lots of replays of the song. This song reminds me A LOT of They Might Be Giants. The song makes me feel sad though because Hank talks about a disease he has and all the money that it's going to cost him.

"I'm Not Edward Cullen" I see as similar to "Dead Boys Girlfriend". I like the lyrics. They seem to be depicting young girl's irrational views towards boys since the Twilight craze.

"Crime Dramas Suck" is a very very catchy song with great instrumentals.

"Jesus Gets Nothing For Christmas" is another song that has a lot of great studio quality

"The Vegetables" is just as you remember it in Hank's video. Funny and ridiculous.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE "Nerdfighteria Island". I have since it first came out. This is a great example of the amazing things that can come from many people working together on something.

"It All Makes Sense In The End" isnt really for me but i'm sure lots of other people like it.

On the whole, this album is fantastic. I'd say its more "male friendly" compared to So Jokes. It's also better than So Jokes for those who do not like low quality music. You can see how much They Might Be Giants has influenced Hank in this album. The packaging of the album is also a high point for me. It comes in a nice digipak, complete with awesome graphics, pictures, A LYRIC BOOKLET!, and some great illustrations for each song.

This album is a must buy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

BEDN Day 21- This isnt working out

I have something to write about but I dont have the time today to write it.

My twitter account is being weird again.

We've got Thanksgiving duty this year and i'm going to be busy getting stuff ready all week.

Only two days of school this coming week.

I'm buying a guitar on Friday :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Friday, November 20, 2009

BEDN Day 20- FAIL FAIL FAIL! (and strange occurences)

I think ive completely missed two days in a row. I'm not entirely sure, i keep losing track of the date.

Ive just watched Charlieissocoollike's new video where he shows you around his room. It freaked me out because a few days ago I recorded a video showing around my room and I was going to start editing it today. This is creepy and it's not the first time it's happened. During "Sixty Second September", Miles..or maybe it's Myles...or...idk (Blade376), put up a video that I had the idea for already. He was yelling at inanimate objects. I had thought about doing a video about that a few days before his came out. It's really creepy when things like this happens.

You may have seen my "Electronic Persona" video (if not it's here:


you'll notice that lots of the video and the audio sync up. This was all completely unintentional. I edited the entire video until it was how I wanted it and the target length and then when the video was done I threw in the music last. There are multiple places where I looks like I edited the video according to the music... but I didnt.

This kind of thing happens so often that there's a special word for it.... I actually dont remember what the word is but when I was talking about this with my video art teacher and he told me about it.

Oh crap....

you know how usually when I start with no ideas and I just start writing and it turns into something? welllllllllllll that's not happening for some reason today..... nothing else is coming to mind of the subject.... crap.

I got Hank Green's new album in the mail yesterday. I'm going to listen to it lots more a post a blog reviewing it but what I can tell you instantly is that ITS FREAKING AMAZING! If you even remotely liked his first album then you will easily love the crap out of the new one. It has blown away my expectations.

Im going to just end this blog because I have editing to do and college stuff to take care of today. There was an exit exam I didnt know about and the office didnt tell me that I had a deadline to turn in this application thing so I might have to wait an extra semester before i can graduate :(

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

BEDN Day 17- Going on tangents actually turn into an overall theme here. Weird.

November is half over (holy crap! ALREADY?!) so I'm probably supposed to be all excited or something that BEDN is half over. I'm actually to the point where im irritated that November isnt farther along. I thought I was going to enjoy this more than I do but I also thought that I would come up with things to talk about each day. It went SO WELL for the first week or so. About 4 of the blogs or so that i've done this month I really enjoyed writing and seeing how they turned out overall. Then there are those other ones (like this one probably) that are just...ehhh. But, i guess that's part of the writing process. Being an art student I should know that not everything you do will turn out. Sometimes it turns out better than you imagined, sometimes it's just as you imagine, but probably MOST of the time it turns out worse than you imagine.

If you're at a point where you're doing something (writing, art, etc) and things are starting to turn out how you expect/better than you expect half or most of the time, you've probably been doing whatever it is that you do for a long long time and have had lots of practice to get where you art. On the whole, I believe that I do not have the patience for these kinds of things.

In my case, i guess it would be art. (since im an art student I feel obliged to say that). I'm in my 5th semester of art college (by that I mean the art program that the community college :/ ) and I have these kinds of experiences all the time. For the most point, i experience disappointment. There are a few things that I have made in my 5 semesters that I am VERY proud of, the others are basically just practice. Kind of like a learn from your mistakes sort of thing. Of all the stuff ive made at school I only appreciate about 10% of it. And only about 4% of that 10% is stuff that I have blown myself away with (that may not have been the best choice of words).

I guess im sort of opening discussion about this general topic rather than telling you something giving an opinion. What I'm mostly trying to say is that whatever you do, you're ALWAYS going to do things that dont turn out right. This is supposed to happen. Humans are not perfect and we're supposed to learn from mistakes.

Another interesting aspect of this is you might do something that is really important and amazing at the time, and then it becomes useless and lame over time.

A great example of this is YouTube videos.

When I started making videos I was trying to put as much as I knew into them. I started off VERY inexperienced. After a year I got so sick of the baggage that came along with the crappy videos that I made (which seemed really awesome at the time I made them) that I decided to scrap the entire channel and start over with my new channel PaulSaysThings. If you look at my videos in order you can literally see growth and development. I learn new things and try new things with videos all the time. The more time I spend with them the more angle I begin to think about. Something that i've found to be important now that I didnt even think about when I started was to think about my videos from the perspective of the viewer. I had some videos on my old channel that were 5-7 minutes long. When I get on youtube nowadays and see a video in my inbox that's that long, unless I really care about what the person has to say I dont even bother with the video. I wasnt even giving useful or entertaining information in these older videos. I was just talking about my week or whatever. It was horrible. But at the time, i thought it was pretty great.

So you're going to have bad ideas. It'll happen. You need to learn to embrace is and just tough it out. I have problems with this even now. I'll think of a video idea and put it off, and put if off until eventually I dont even like the idea anymore. But it is important to write things, make videos, make art, etc when the inspiration hits you. Dive right in and hope for the best. It (usually) wont always turn out but you will almost always gain SOME kind of knowledge or experience from it.

Im trying to think of a good metaphor for the creative process. I guess I could say its like hunting (?). I've never been hunting but it's like: you go out in hopes of killing many furry aminals. Sometimes you get more than you hoped for, sometimes less. Hunting actually has more chance involved than creating things but you catch my drift.

So maybe it's a good idea to dive into something with no expectations?

Maybe it's good to have NO expectations?

However you do it, if you enjoy it, keep doing it over and over again. Refine your technique. Learn. Train. Hone your skillzzzz. Eventually you may get so good at whatever you do that even the things that turn out bad arent all that bad.

Like Dream Theater's albums. (OH GOD NO DONT MENTION DREAM THEATER AGAIN! NO STOP! NO MORE DREAM THEATER BLOGS!) Their 8th album is my least favorite. However, this doesnt mean that it's not a completely fantastic album compared to other music because they have a refined technique that allows their flaws to still be above par.

I repeated myself alot in this and it's been kind of a weird blog but I hope it was somewhat interesting. By now you may be able to tell that my writing is kind of a start to finish sort of thing where I dive in with a few ideas and little to no expectations and see where it takes me. Writing is probably the easiest thing for me to do while following these guidelines I've talked about. I'm having a weird/hard time explaining myself because im in a self conscious mood because of things that have transpired today.

Even if I didnt like how this blog turned out, I DID gain something from it: I thought of a topic for tomorrow's blog :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

BEDN Day 16- Spoiler Alert!

this is a video im going to do for Video Art. If you dont want this to spoil it, then dont read it. Either way, you'll probably see the video by the end of the month on youtube. (assuming you're subscribed to me)

[Opening Scene]
(4 people are talking at a party. One is telling a joke)

Person 1: “…and then the bartender says, that’s not a coat rack, that’s my wife!”

(persons 2-4 stare at person 1, unamused)


Person 2: “Did I ever show you a picture of my daughter?”
(person 2 holds out a picture which person 1 takes and looks at. The person in the picture is undoubtedly ugly)

Person 1: “Wow. That’s the most adorable baby I’ve ever seen!”

(person 1, 3 & 4 begin laughing)

Person 3: “Hahahah, wow, you’re such a dick!”

(person 1 continues laughing then stops and turns to the camera)

Person 1: “Thanks sarcasm, for giving me the humorous ability to be a dickhead”


Disembodied voice: “You’ll be the life of the party with sarcasm! Call now to order and receive your free bag of crap! Also from the makers of sarcasm: Irony!”

Sunday, November 15, 2009

BEDN Day 14/15- I'm a bad blogger...

I missed yesterday. I got home late and had to go right to sleep and didn't have time to blog at all. Im going to take the usual masochist way of doing things and say that I will allow myself to be punished. That was pretty much the agreement when I started this so if you have any punishment ideas you can leave them in the comments. Discussion of this will also continue in my next video for 7awesomebookworms on Wednesday.

This morning I did some work. yay! I helped my godfather move stuff around at his work and got $20 after only 1 hour of work! WOO! Unfortunately this $20 will be short lived. Im currently waiting for my friend to call me so that we can go to Guitar Center where I will spend this $20 and a few of it's other $20 friends on a hard case for the guitar that I have yet to purchase. I have a coupon that expires the end of the month so I figure I should just use it anyway and then hopefully i'll get the $200 I need for the guitar at Christmas. That's the plan. Im telling all my family to just give me money. That's what they did last year too when I bought my new bass guitar.

I'm not looking forward to this week.

Tomorrow when I get to class im going to sit there and stare at my project that i've already started and hope that I can think of other things to add to it. Then I need to write a script for my next video art project. We have to do a 30-60 second humorous commercial. At some point this week i'll have to film it as well. I have a history test this week meaning my tuesday class will be easy cuz it's all review and then thursday i'll take the test and then get out of class early. Nothing too exciting going on in my other class.

My friend in the hospital called me last night. He's finally doing better. It looks like he'll be coming back home in the next week or so.

I just went downstairs to move something and OMFG I found my CD that i've been missing for about 3 months. Yesterday I found the remote control to my laptop while cleaning out my car. Who knows why the hell is was under the folding seat in the back but at least i found it. I also vaccumed the inside of my car and washed the outside so that's pretty sweet.

Ive got the chartjackers song stuck in my head for the 5th-ish time. I dont even like the song.

Ive got about 144 pages left in the fantastic Ballads of Suburbia and then i'm excited to start reading Harry, A History. I'll probably re-read King Dork after than and then hope that another book falls into my lap because im out of things to read.

This blog kinda sucks but maybe you think these things in my life are actually exciting.

Meh, probably not.

Friday, November 13, 2009

BEDN Day 13- "blueprints for future homes"

ok, so I totally ripped off the title from a song by Norma Jean. But I think it's a pretty good title considering in this blog im going to talk about my plans for my place of living when I can finally move out.

This type of thing (moving out) excites me. (Although it took a while before I started REALLY REALLY wanting to do it) So naturally, ive thought about it A LOT!

I have many many plans for what it's going to be like living on my own. It's probably going to be about another year or two at least before I can afford it though :(

First I need to get a job. Meaning I need to put in an application, get a call back for a job interview and actually have them set up a freaking time to interview me. You may think that I've just said that out of experience. Well, I have. Toys R Us called me for an interview and said they'd call back to set up an appointment. I called them about 7 times in the 5 weeks that they didnt call me. The last time I called up there they said "i'd let you talk to the hiring manager but he's actually doing interviews right now." I took this to mean, hey, we did interviews and didnt call you so we dont want you but were not going to fucking tell you. were just going to ignore you till you get so frustrated that you'll leave on your own accord.



Living on my own is probably going to be the coolest thing ever. I was kinda freaked out by it for a while but i've gotten to that point where I want to do it and have gracefully accepted that feeling inside of wanting to do it. Hopefully I can channel that into the effort i'll have to put in to get the gears turning to get working on it.

I view living on my own as complete and total control over pretty much aspect of my life. I cant even fathom how awesome this is going to be. Of course i'll be all like, "AHHH, i hate bills, blah blah" but there are going to be so many things to look forward to that it will be worth it.

I guess i'll start at the surface. I have a few (very childish) plans for initial moving in to my own place.

Over the past few years I have bought lots of my own furniture for my room. I get to keep all this furniture. When I got the bookshelf, dvd shelf, dvd rack, tv stand, other shelf and this weird wire cart with shelves on it, I knew that I was making an investment for my future. I think im probably going to leave my TV though. Im going to let my brother have it and get a better one. Im going to try to use this as compensation to my brother because he's not going to be happy when I take the Nintendo 64 with me.

Jeez, i just thought about it and im going to have to buy a bed frame :/

Ok, so ive got some of my organizational furniture out of the way. One thing I plan on doing at some point in time (depending on how much space I have to put this thing in). I want to get a ginormous book shelf. One that's big enough to call the area where it's at "the library" or "the study". The other thing involved with that is that im going to need enough books to actually fill the shelf. It doesnt have to be entirely full but it will look weird w/ giant book shelves and only like one shelf of books. Im hoping that I can acquire a decent amount of books in the next few years. I dont know why but the thought of it just excites me. The idea of bookshelves and different people's bookshelves and ahhhh. I dont even know, its just awesome.

A few other decoration type things that I plan on getting once I have my own place and have room for them: Im going to go to slackers and buy a cardboard cutout of Boba Fett. They also have HUGE posters there so i kinda want to get one of those too.

Ok, enough of the fantasy things, now is when I talk about the awesome life changes I'll get to have.

I am a very organized person. While I let things get out of hand sometimes, i generally like everything to be neat. I strongly believe in the phrase "a place for everything and everything in it's place". It makes so much sense to me. I have a special place for almost everything ever and I put things back where I plan them to be when im done with them. A messy room gives me a headache. A clean room puts me in a very good mood because my environment is not cluttered. The problem with this love of organization is that the rest of my family does not share this love. My mom does to a certain extent but she does not have enough time and energy to keep up with the mess that my dad and my brother can make. They're both really bad at putting things back. My dad leaves dishes and cups all of the house. He'll also put trash anywhere except the trash can. So when I live on my own, EVERYTHING will be clean all the time. If something is a mess, it's going to be my fault in the first place so I wont feel like I have to live in other people's mess. Plus, how messy can one person be living alone as opposed to someone living with three other people.

Ill be able to eat perfectly. I eat about half as healthy as I actually should. We'll, some things that I shouldnt eat just happen to be in the house. When im on my own, ill be able to eat healthier by not buying certain things and only buying the good/healthy ones.

The clean-ness and eating right (not to mention eating on my own time) are the two big things. There are other things like my life schedule will be based around MY life, not other people (other than school and/or work of course). There are other things that I will probably enjoy that I dont even know about yet that I will find out about when I actually start living alone.

Im looking forward to it so much that im afraid im going to like it too much and than possibly hate it when I have to start living with a girlfriend/fiance/wife. So for now, im just not going to think about that yet.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

BEDN Day 12- Today was argh

today started pretty cool. Had a test first class so it got out early.

In bowling I got 138 and then 149 (a new high score!)

History was easy and stuf.

Went to hang out w/ my friends today.

But my twitter account keeps getting locked. My password was stolen and I keep trying to fix it. It's really annoying. I cant get on or anything. I hope it works out

I know my blog has been bleh for the past few days but Im just not able to do it as usual. Things happen.

I got Harry, A History today and I cant wait to read it so im going to go finish this other book.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

BEDN Day 11- Yesterday's situation to the max

Pretty much not available to do lots of writing. Today is both the 4 year anniversary of me playing bass guitar and the 2 or 3 (cant remember :O) year anniversary of my grandma's death. Really weird because my mom spent the day in the hospital with my brother seeing a specialist.

Yes. Today was pretty cool tho.

I made this awesome video that you should watch starting at 2 minutes into it:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

BEDN Day 10- Ok, so sometimes things get real...

Like this project. It's obvious that it will be nearly impossible to decently blog every day in a given number of days.

Today, my brother is sleeping in front of my computer. I cant wake him up because he has trouble falling asleep. So i cant sit in my domain and think for a while and I have to use this computer. It's not very good for deep thinking stuffs.

Today I got super inspiration for #nanowrimo 2010 out of nowhere while sitting in the hall at school. I wrote two pages of things I came up with including about 2 major plot points but Im looking for more overall theme. see, those of you that are doing nano probably think that im putting too much thought and effort into it already. but the way I see it, the more I play it out like this the more comfortable I will be and hopefully I'll easily glide through it.

Anyways, this is all I can manage today. At least it's something. Im going to go read for 1000000000 hours and re-read "ballads of suburbia" by stephanie kuehnert and be all excited because it's amazing.

Monday, November 9, 2009

BEDN Day 9- Writing For the Sake of Writing/ NaNo 2010

I dont really have anything to talk about today but the reason why Im doing BEDN is because I didnt think I was ready for NaNoWriMo. So this whole BEDN thing is basically NaNo prep. It's writing for the sake of writing and for the sake of gaining writing confidence and credentials. Letting the writing flow and flow and when it doesnt flow, FORCING it to flow until it hurts!

In a way I guess you could say im forcing it now. Maybe somewhere along the line here ill think of something on my mind that I wish to speak about.

I guess I could talk about NaNoWriMo 2010 and how I'm getting really excited for it. At first, when I heard about NaNo I was like "that's something that Im totally not interested in at all". Yet somehow ive transformed my mood about it (tragically it was until a good few days into November). I actually wish I could have talked myself into toughing it out and doing NaNo this year. In a way I guess Im glad I still didnt do it because I wasnt/am not (?) nearly prepared for it. I know you may think that I am over thinking the whole NaNo thing. Chances are, you're right. If there's one thing i know how to do, its over think things and panic about them.

So basically I have an entire year to set up a plot for NaNo next year. This may sound like Ive given myself way too much time and it seems completely ridiculous and that i'm going to slack off till the last minute but honestly, ill need a good amount of time to think about it. Ive actually thought about it a lot already. The reason I need so much time to do things like develop plots is because my mind words very weird-ly. I get super impassable creative blocks all the freaking time. For example, right now for my plot so far i've come up with some basis for a few characters and a few good events that I want to include. These were easy to come up with because they are all from my personal experiences and I think they have profound meaning or will be really cool when I put them in novel form.

Other than those few things I can't think of ANYTHING else for a plot. Everything I think about is all from personal experience. Once again, my amazing powers of over thinking have taken place and I cant just think outside the box for once and come up with something of a plot that is not based entirely on my personal life. I dont want to write about my personal life that much because all the novel-esque things that I think about with personal events are really agnsty and poopy.

I dont want to write a depressing Catcher type novel, but those are the only things I can come up with. I do enjoy that kind of writing though. Theres a special poetic kind of quality to establishing misery in quirky ways. For example, right now im reading this fantastic book "Stoner and Spaz". The main character has cerebral palsy and every time he mentions something about his mangled form, its depressing, the character is trying to be bitchy about it, but the words used to write about it give it a sort of adoring quality. Maybe I can write a depressing type novel if I just know how to do it right.

I guess I just need to come up with a good conflict or a good something that a character can overcome. I really need to get like a main like, a starting point, a turning point, and an ending point. Sounds easy right? Well nothing comes out. I have this same problem when I make art at school.

Come to think of it, NaNoWriMo is a good thing for me even if the only thing I get out of it is learning to deal with over thinking things.

Ok, for my own personal benefit im going to write out a few things that I have figured out.

-The writing will be in first person. That im sure of. Not sure why but It just feels right so im going with that.

-The main character will be male because I dont think I could write first person and have a girl for a main character because I am not a girl so I dont know how to depict thoughts inside of a girl's head.

-Many personal events will be used to influence the events of the novel. Such as my experience with drug use (not experience of using them myself, but knowing people who do and being in that environment with them). I have not yet decided if the main character will be doing these drugs or not. It's something that I enjoy reading about though- hearing the characters describe the effects.

Other things that ive experienced that will be included are some of the dramatic situations I had in gradeschool. For example, I found out near the end of 8th grade that lots of people thought I was going to shoot up the school. I already turned this idea into a successful art project so im going to milk it further for character development.

Im also thinking about writing about my current experience with my friend in the mental hospital. Its a very strange situation. As my friend was having a panic attack in his front yard I looked at my friend (who happens to be an aspiring writer, something that I dont really think of myself as) and we both mentioned how this will be great inspiration for writing in the future. I figure a year from now, next november, i'll have even more on the subject to write about because more will unfold. It may even unfold to the point where I wont want to talk about it in writing anymore.

- the people I know are so defined within themselves that MANY of them are going to be making appearances as novel characters.

-i am very interested with the concept of a person's perceptions inside their own head (of themselves, life, how the world works, interacting with others) versus those perceptions from the view of other people's perceptions. One time I got so caught up in the idea I wrote a page of a screen play of sorts about a movie/video/tv show/whatever where most of the dialogue was just inner monologue.

The idea of multiple viewpoints on a given subject fascinates me. The fact that you can think about something one way and someone can come along and easily put just as much thought into it as you do yet come up with an entirely different understanding of the subject.

that's about it. at least all the ideas that came to mind when i tried to recall my list of ideas.

see? i do have ideas. good ones (at least I think so). I just need a nice way to kind of place them all together. and THAT is precicely what is going to keep my mind buzzing for the next year. Im hoping that eventually it will all just kind of work out and I wont have to put my brain through a shredder to make it my bitch so it can come up with good plot ideas.

wow, that blog actually kinda turned out ok.... weird.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

BEDN Day 8- How I met Muse but didnt know who they were :(

The title is mostly self explanitory. However, it raises all questions as to how it went down so here's the story:

We were at this place called "Fast Lane", they sell old cars. My dad was looking at this really cheap 1950 Ford that he was thinking of buying. While we were there there were these three guys walking around looking at stuff. We ended up running into them and while i was close up to them I noticed that they seemed familiar but I couldnt quite figure it out. They stared at me with this weird look (which I would later find out was a look of "do you know who we are and that is why you're staring at us?). My dad decided to get the car. While we were in the office finalizing everything we got to talking about the three weird young guys walking around because the owner of the place said that they each bought a car. He said that they were some band from the UK called Muse and i was like OH! THAT'S WHERE IVE SEEN THEM BEFORE! (they all drove mini coopers btw, it was pretty rad)

I had just seen their video for "Hysteria" a few days/weeks before this. I had never known about them until that video because that's when they made some headway in the US. So I went home and looked up some of their music, but my my naive 14 year old self listened to their high vocals and said they suck. Now, years later and with a better sense of good music, i really love Muse and have major regret for not talking to them while i was in their presence.

What are the chances of running into internationally famous people from the UK in a highly unsignificant location in the dead center of the US? Weird.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

BEDN Day 7- Movie Collection

This is kinda like yesterday's blog. I get people asking about my DVD collection, here it is in no order other than how they're sitting on my shelf:

Mean Creek
Full Metal Jacket
Stranger Than Fiction
Hot Rod
Office Space
Mr. Woodcock (its signed by Billy Bob Thorton!)
Grandma's Boy
Shoot 'Em Up
Little Nicky
Knocked Up
Sling Blade
A Simple Plan
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Dazed and Confused
SLC Punk
Hamlet 2
Snakes on a Plane
Kung Pow!
Napoleon Dynamite
Art School Confidential
Hot Fuzz
Charlie Bartlett
Half Baked
Pineapple Express
Van Helsing
Aeon Flux
Across the Universe
The Big Lebowski
Reign of Fire
Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lords of Dogtown
The Fast and the Furious
Death Race
Iron Man
Team America
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Resident Evil: Degeneration
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
American History X
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Shawshank Redemption
Austin Powers International Man of Mystery
Austin Powers the Spy Who Shagged Me
Austin Powers Goldmember
I Am Legend
Finding Nemo
Super Toopers
Edward Scissorhands
Meet the Parents
Meet the Fockers
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Clerks II
Primal Fear
Fight Club
Saw II
Saw IV
Saw V
Child's Play 2
Child's Play 3
Bride of Chucky
Seed of Chucky
Dawn of the Dead (original)
Dawn of the Dead (remake)
Land of the Dead
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Death Proof
Planet Terror
Silent Hill
Final Destination
Final Destination 2
Final Destination 3
Friday the 13th (original)
Friday the 13th (remake)
The Grudge
The Grudge 2
My Bloody Valentine
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Sweeney Todd
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters For DVD
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 1
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 2
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 3
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 4
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 5
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 6
Metalocalypse Season 1
Metalocalypse Season 2
The Brak Show Volume 1
The Brak Show Volume 2
Tom Goes to the Mayor
Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! Season 1
Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! Season 2
The Office Season 1
The Office Season 2
The Office Season 3
The Office Season 4
Chappelle's Show Season 1
Chappelle's Show Season 2
Invader Zim Volume 1
Invader Zim Volume 2
Invader Zim Volume 3
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Die Hard 4
Ghostbusters 2
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
Wayne's World
Wayn'es World 2
Harry Potter 1
Harry Potter 2
Harry Potter 3
Harry Potter 4
Harry Potter 5
X-Men The Last Stand
Underworld Rise of the Lycans
Underworld Evolution
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Spiderman 2
Spiderman 3
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring (4 disk)
LOTR The Two Towers (4 disk)
LOTR The Return of the King (4 disk)
Red Vs. Blue Season 1
Red Vs. Blue Season 2
Red Vs. Blue Season 3
Red Vs. Blue Season 4
Red Vs. Blue Season 5
Red Vs. Blue Bonus Content
Star Wars I
Star Wars II
Star Wars III
Star Wars IV
Star Wars V
Star Wars VI
Star Wars Bonus Material
Star Wars Clone Wars Season 1
Star Wars Clone Wars Season 2
Star Wars The Clone Wars
Blade II
Blade trinity
Blade: House of Chthon
Mean Girls
Shriek 2
Dane Cook Vicious Circle
Hawthorne Heights This Is Who We Are
As I Lay Dying This Is Who We Are
Coheed and Cambria The Last Supper
Underoath 777
Tenacious D The Complete Masterworks 2
Dream Theater Chaos In Motion
Slipknot Inside the Nine
The Blue Man Group The Complex Rock Tour
SNL Best of Will Ferrell
SNL Best of Will Ferrell 2
SNL Best of Chris Farley
SNL Best of Mike Myers
SNL Best of Adam Sandler
Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny
Talladega Nights
The Wedding Crashers
Dickie Roberts
A Knight's Tale
Beverly Hills Ninja
Robot Chicken Star Wars
Happy Gilmore
Billy Madison
Northern Exposure Season 1
Northern Exposure Season 2
No Country for Old Men
The Italian Job
Casino Royale
Quantum of Solace
The Pursuit of Happyness
Secondhand Lions
The Prestige
Stand and Deliver
The Illusionist

Friday, November 6, 2009

BEDN Day 6- My CD Collection

I get lots of people on YouTube asking me to do a video showing my entire CD collection. I dont really want to look like an asshole showing off all those CDs and the video would take forever to do. So instead, here's a list of all of them.

Im going to write them in the order they are on my shelf. They're in racks according to genre and some of them are a bit mixed up. Keep in mind lots of them are copied, I have only ever sold one of my CDs so I dont actually listen to lots of these anymore. Some of these are my brother's CDs and I REALLY dont listen to some of those. Some things are grouped against the alphabetical ordering. For example I have Slipknot and Stone Sour together as well as System of a Down and Serj Tankian and Say Anything and Two Tounges. Anyway here they are:


3 Inches of Blood: Fire Up The Blades
AC/DC: Back In Black
AC/DC: Live
Adema: (self titled)
All Shall Perish: The Price of Existence
All That Remains: Overcome
The Autumn Offering: Embrace The Gutter
As I Lay Dying: Frail Words Collapse
As I Lay Dying: Shadows Are Security
As I Lay Dying: An Ocean Between Us
Atreyu: The Curse
Atreyu: A Deathgrip On Yesterday
Atreyu: Lead Sails Paper Anchor
Avenged Sevenfold: Sounding The Seventh Trumpet
Avenged Sevenfold: Waking The Fallen
Avenged Sevenfold: City of Evil
Avenged Sevenfold: (self titled)
Bullet For My Valentine: Hand of Blood
Bullet For My Valentine: The Poison
Bullet For My Valentine: Scream Aim Fire
The Black Dahlia Murder: Unhallowed
The Black Dahlia Murder: Defluration
Black Tide: Light From Above
Black Sabbath: We Sold Our Soul For Rock N Roll
Buckethead: The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell
Buckethead & Friends: Enter the Chicken
Born of Osiris: The New Reign
Bring Me The Horizon: Count Your Blessings
Chevelle: This Type of Thinking Could Do Us In
Chevelle: Vena Sera
Cradle of Filth: Lovecraft & Witch Hearts
Cradle of Filth: Nymphetamine
Cradle of Filth: Thornography
CKY: Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild
Despised Icon: The Ills of Modern Man
Dethklok: The Dethalbum
Dethklok: Dethalbum II
Disturbed: The Sickness
Disturbed: Believe
Disturbed: Ten Thousand Fists
Disturbed: Indestructable
Dragonforce: Inhuman Rampage
Dream Theater: When Dream and Day Unite
Dream Theater: Images and Words
Dream Theater: Awake
Dream Theater: Falling Into Infinity
Dream Theater: Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory
Dream Theater: Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Dream Theater: Train of Thought
Dream Theater: Octavarium
Dream Theater: Systematic Chaos
Dream Theater: Black Clouds & Silver Linings
Dream Theater: Live Scenes From New York
Dream Theater: ScoreDream Theater: Greatest Hit (...and 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs)
John Petrucci: Suspended Animation
Liquid Tension Experiment: Liquid Tension Experiment
Liquid Tension Experiment: Liquid Tension Experiment 2
Drowning Pool: Sinner
Evanescence: Fallen
Evanescence The Open Door
Extreme: Pornograffitti
Five Finger Death Punch: The Way Of The Fist
Godsmack: (self titled)
Godsmack: Awake
Godsmack: Faceless
Godsmack: IV
Guns N Roses: Appetite For Destruction
HIM: Dark Light
Headbanger's Ball
Headbanger's Ball Volume 2
Headbanger's Ball: The Revenge
Hellyeah: (self titled)
Iron Maiden: The Essential
Judas Priest: The Essential
Job For A Cowboy: Doom
Job For A Cowboy: Genisis
Job For A Cowboy: Ruination
Killswitch Engage: As Daylight Dies
Kittie: Spit
Kittie: Until The End
Kiss: Gold
Korn: (self titled debut)
Korn: Follow The Leader
Korn: Take A Look In The Mirror
Korn: See You On The Other Side
Korn: (self titled)
Korn: Greatest Hits Vol. 1
Lamb of God: New American Gospel
Lamb of God: As The Palaces Burn
Lamb of God: Ashes of the Wake
Lamb of God: Sacrament
Lamb of God: Wrath
Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park: Reanimation
Linkin Park: Meteora
Linkin Park: Live in Texas
Marilyn Manson: Lest We Forget: The Best of
Mastodon: Remission
Mastodon: Leviathan
Mastodon: Blood Mountain
Mastodon: Crack The Skye
Metallica: Master of Puppets
Metallica: (self titled black album)
Metallica: S&M
Norma Jean: Redeemer
Paul Gilbert: Get Out Of My Yard
Pantera: Cowboys From Hell
POD: Satellite
POD: Payable On Death
Rage Against The Machine (i just made a mix of all their singles)
Slipknot: (self titled)
Slipknot: Iowa
Slipknot: Vol. 3 The Subliminal Verses
Slipknot: All Hope Is Gone
Slipknot: 9.0 Live
Stone Sour: (self titled)
Stone Sour: Come What(ever) May
Static X: Wisconsin Death Trip
Static X: Machine
Static X: Shadow Zone
Static X: Start A War
Static X: Cannibal
Static X: Cult of Static
Static X: Cannibal Killers Liv
eStatic X: Beneath... Between... Beyond...
Sonic Syndicate: Love and Other Disasters
Suicide Silence: The Cleansing
Suicide Silence: No Time To Bleed
System of a Down: (self titled)
System of a Down: Toxicity
System of a Down: Steal This Album
System of a Down: Mezmerize
System of a Down: Hypnotize
Serj Tankian: Elect The Dead
Underoath: The Changing of Times
Underoath: They're Only Chasing Safety
Underoath: Define The Great Line
Underoath: Lost in the Sound of Separation
Underoath: Survive/Kaleidoscope (live)
Whitechapel: This Is Exile

Stuff that people would call "emo" or "scene" or "screamo" or "hardcore" music or popular rock that's closely related to that kind of stuff. Basically you're very likely to see these bands on Warped Tour. Out of all my CDs, this group probably has the most that I dont really listen to anymore:

18 Visions: (self titled)
A Static Lullaby: (self titled)
Aiden: Nightmare Anatomy
AFI: Sing The Sorrow
AFI: Decemberunderground
The Almost: Southern Weather
Bayside: The Walking Wounded
Blessthefall: His Last Walk
Chiodos: Alls Well That Ends Well
Chiodos: Bone Palace Ballet
The Devil Wears Prada: Dear Love, A Beautiful Discord
Fall Out Boy: Take This To Your Grave
Fall Out Boy: From Under The Cork Tree
Fall Out Boy: Infinity On High
Family Force 5: Business Up Front Part in the Back
Family Force 5: Dance or Die
From First To Last: Dear Diar, My Teen Angst Has a Body Count
From First To Last: Heroine
From First To Last: (self titled)
Hawthorne Heights: The Silence in Black and White
Hawthorne Heights: If Only You Were Lonely
Lost Prophets: Start Something
Lost Prophets: Liberation Transmission
The Matches: E. Von Dahl Killed The Locals
The Matches: Decomposer
Madina Lake: From Them Through Us To You
My Chemical Romance: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade
Paramore: All We Know Is Failing
Paramore: Riot
Panic! At The Disco: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus: Don't You Fake It
Say Anything: ... Is A Real Boy
Say Anything: In Defense of the Genre
Say Anything: (self titled)
Two Tongues: (self titled)
Senses Fail: Let it Enfold You
Senses Fail: Still Searching
Senses Fail: Life is Not a Waiting Room
Silverstein: When Broken is Easily Fixed
Silverstein: Discovering the Waterfront
Silverstein: Arrivals & Departures
Simple Plan: No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls
Story of the Year: Page Avenue
Story of the Year: The Black Swan
Taking Back Sunday: Where You Want To Be
Taking Back Sunday: Tell All Your Friends
Taking Back Sunday: Louder Now
The Used: Lies for the Liars

Regular ass rock, alternative rock, classic rock, popular rock, etc:

3 Days Grace: (self titled)
3 Days Grace: One X
3 Doors Down: The Better Life
3 Doors Down: Away From the Sun
Avril Lavigne: Let Go
Avril Lavigne: Under My Skin
The Beatles: Abbey Road
The Beatles: The White Album
The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Breaking Benjamin: Saturate
Breaking Benjamin: We Are Not Alone
Breaking Benjamin: Phobia
Breaking Benjamin: Dear Agony
Boston: Greatest Hits
Coheed & Cambria: In Keeping Secrets of Silence Earth III
Coheed & Cambria: Good Appolo I'm Burning Star IV, Vol. 1 From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Coheed & Cambria: No World For Tomorrow
The Doors: Greatest Hits
Eve 6: (self titled)
Flyleaf: (self titled)
Flogging Molly: Drunken Lullabies
Flogging Molly: Whiskey on a Sunday
Hoobastank: (self titled)
Hoobastank: The Reason
Incubus: S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Incubus: Make Yourself
Incubus: Morning View
Jet: Get Born
The Killers: Hot Fuss
Led Zeppelin: III
Led Zeppelin: IV
Led Zeppelin: Greatest Hits- Early Days, Latter Days (2 disk)
Ludo: (self titled)
Ludo: Broken Bride
Ludo: You're Awful, I Love You
Michael Jackson: Number Ones
Modern Day Zero: Coming Up For Air
The Mountain Goats: Tallahassee
The Mountain Goats: We Shall All Be Healed
The Mountain Goats: Jack and Faye
The Mountain Goats: Nine Black Poppies
The Mountain Goats: Heretic Pride
Muse: Absolution
Muse: Black Holes & Revelations
Mute Math: (self titled)
Nickelback: Silver Side Up
Nickelback: The Long Road
Papa Roach: The Paramour Sessions
Pink Floyd: The Wall
Queen: Greatest Hits
Ra: From One
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Greatest Hits
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Stadium Arcadium
Relient K: MmmHmm
Saliva: Blood Stained Romance
Seether: Karma and Effect
Seether: Finding Beauty in Negative Places
Shinedown: Leave a Wisper
Shinedown: Us and Them
Shinedown: The Sound of Madness
Staind: 14 Shades of Grey
Smashing Pumpkins: Greatest Hits
Smashing Pumpkins: Zeitgeist
Sugarcult: Palm Trees and Power Lines
Yellowcard: Ocean Avenue
Yellowcard: Lights & Sounds
Weezer: (the blue album)
Wolfmother: (self titled)

Punk/Pop Punk/Ska:

Bad Religion: Stranger Than Fiction
Bad Religion: The Empire Strikes First
Blink 182: Dude Rance
Blink 182: Enema of the State
Blink 182: Take off Your Pants and Jacket
Blink 182: (self titled)
Boxcar Racer: (self titled)
+44: When Your Heart Stops Beating
The Clash: The Essential
The Dresden Dolls: (self titled)
The Germs: (GI)
Green Day: Dookie
Green Day: Insomniac
Green Day: Nimrod
Green Day: International Super Hits
Green Day: American Idiot
Good Charlotte: (self titled)
Good Charlotte: The Young and the Hopeless
Good Charlotte: The Chronicles of Life and Death
Good Charlotte: Good Morning Revival
Jawbreaker: Dear You
Jawbreaker: Bivouac
Nirvana: Bleach
Nirvana: Nevermind
Nirvana: Incesticide
The Offspring: Greatest Hits
The Ramones: Greatest Hits
Rancid: (self titled 1993)
Rancid: Let's Go
Rancid: ... And Out Come the Wolves
Rancid: Life Won't Wait
Rancid: (self titled 2000)
Rancid: B Sides and C Sides
Rancid: Let The Dominoes Fall
Reel Big Fish: Turn the Radio Off
Rise Against: The Unraveling
Rise Against: Revolutions Per Minute
Rise Against: Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Rise Against: The Sufferer and the Witness
Rise Against: Appeal To Reason
Misfits: (self titled)
NOFX: The War on Errorism
NOFX: I Hear They Suck Live
NOFX: The Greatest Songs Ever Written By Us
Screeching Weasel: Weasel Mania (greatest hits)
Sex Pistols: Nevermind the Bollocks
Sixer: Beautiful Trash
Sum 41: All Killer No Filler
Sum 41: Does This Look Infected?
Sum 41: Chuck
Sum 41: Underclass Hero
Social Distortion: (self titled)

Stuff I havnt found a category for and internet/youtube/wrock stuff:

Tub Ring: Zoo Hypothesis
Tub Ring: The Great Filter
Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny
Tenacious D: (self titled)
Flobots: Fight With Tools
The Bloodhound Gang: Heafty Fine
Insane Clown Possee: The Great Milenko
Mindless Self Indulgence: Tight
Mindless Self Indulgence: Alienating Our Audience (live)
Mindless Self Indulgence: Despierta Los Ninos
Mindless Self Indulgence: Another Mindless Ripoff
Mindless Self Indulgence: Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy
Mindless Self Indulgence: You'll Rebel To Anything
Mindless Self Indulgence: If
Mindless Self Indulgence: If Remixes (3 disk)
The Moaning Myrtles: Toilet Humor
Justin Finch-Fletchley: And The Half Blood Pizza
Lauren Fairweather: Devil's Snare
Hank Green: So Jokes
Hank Green: This Guitar Pwns Noobs (i dont have it yet but I ordered it)
Driftless Pony Club: Expert
DFTBA Records Vol. 1 Compilation
Dr. Noise: Silent Echoes

I have some random songs on my computer that arent full albums as well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

BEDN Day 5- Different Today

Im still going to write a blog but im not going to post it. My friend is in the hospital right now. They're not sure but it's pretty much schizophrenia. At this point he could either snap out of it after a few days or just stay like this. I cant stop thinking about it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BEDN Day 4- I swear no Dream Theater this time. This is about telemarketers

One of the things I cant stand the most is telemarketers. We seem to have more than usual call our house ALL THE FREAKING TIME! It just really annoys me because the ones that we usually get are just asking for donations. There are many reasons why I hate telemarketers.

1. If it's someone doing a survey, they'll just start telling you about the survey and make you sit on the phone for 5 whole minutes, THEN explain that you need to be 18 to do the survey and you have to hang up. I had this problem many times before I was 18. Now if I say hello and they just keep talking and dont let me speak I hang up on them.

2. They call at the most horrible times. It's always during something that I dont really want to stop doing to go answer the phone. This is especially bad when we get a few different ones calling in the same day.

3. They pronounce my last name wrong almost every time. It's Huber. They pronounce it "Hubber". The "e" at the end give the "u" a different sound. It's vowel grammar, go learn some.

4. They often do not ASK for someone even though they're looking to talk to someone in particular. If I answer the phone, many times the telemarketer will assume that I am my dad.

5. The times of day they call at do NOT make sense. One called today at 8:20 am. My mom had just left for work. Here's how the situation went. Notice that many of the other things I mentioned already happen within the same phone call.

I was about to leave the house to go to school when the phone rang. I picked it up and said hello. The telemarketer started talking to me thinking I was my dad in a country accent (I dont like hicks). I told him that my dad wasnt there and that he was WORKING because it was 8:20 in the freaking morning. He asked for my mom. I said no, they both work, this is way too early.

6. When my parents DO happen to pick up when they call they tell them that we dont want to donate to whatever they're collecting for. But they KEEP CALLING CONTINUOUSLY!

Reasons to actually like telemarketers:

It's very fun to mess with them. Ive noticed that many of them use a compute to dial the phone number. If you've ever picked up the phone and said hello and then heard a pause followed by a noise like someone is picking up a phone, this is what's going on. The computer tells them someone has picked up and they connect with the call. Many times ill just breathe really hard into the reciever and this will trigger the computer and they'll pick up. There are many things one can do at this point:
-Most of the time they'll say "Hello" and ill just sit there and make no noise and see how long they stay on.
-You can mess with them by doing things like talking in an accent, asking them weird questions or pretending like you cant understand what they're trying to tell you.
-If you're in a really bad mood when one of these people calls you I find it acceptable to go off on them. I understand that they are doing a job to try and make a living, but something about this field of work I find repulsive. Not to mention if it's a company or organization that has kept calling over and over. If i notice the same thing on the caller ID a few days in a row, i let them know very rudely that they need to stop calling, especially at times during the day when people work.

Try different techniques when messing with telemarketers. My brother has some good ones. He's pretended to be Japanese, pretended to be violent and insane. Made strange animal noises over the phone, etc.

One of the really great ones that ive done is if you say hello and the telemarketer DOES ask for someone, tell them to hold on and then put the phone down. Go do something else and come back later to see if they're still on. One time I made a sandwich and came back and the telemarketer was still there and I told him, oh, im sorry he's not here.

You probably think im a dick for doing these kinds of things but somehow I dont feel bad for doing these things at all. Probably because these people really annoy me and i never have to see them and i will never have another encounter with them ever.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

BEDN Day 3- Continuing Yesterday's Dream Theater Blog...

I know you're probably thinking that im about to do something very boring but I want to talk about the opposite side of Dream Theater that I talked about yesterday. On the surface, Dream Theater seems like a fast heavy metal band but that's probably not even the majority of their music. It 50% of their music at it's very most but it's probably lower than that.

Dream Theater has a soft side where they show talents other than fast and technical. Their first few albums while sounding a bit more 80's hair metal-ish actually convey a LOT more emotion and mood than you would think of coming from a band that plays the music that I showed in yesterday's blog.

Dream Theater believes that nothing should be holding them back in their music. They keep this in mind and never play anything strictly because it sounds like something "their genre" would play.

The best way to describe my points is to sample more videos. At least this is more of a watching/listening blog that reading just like yetsterday :)

Please excuse some of the cheesiness this video may give off. This is the first slow song on technically their first album that was released very early 90's and still had an 80's power ballad influence. I used to HATE this song when I heard it but there are MANY things about it that I really like now that I took the time to appreciate the musicianship of everything.

Here is a FANTASTIC song off their newest (10th) album "Black Clouds and Silver Linings". The song is about writer's block:

Here is a heavier yet still very slow and chill song. This song comes from their 9th album, Systematic Chaos, which has a futuristic type theme. This is one of the songs that most newcomers to Dream Theater will not enjoy. You have to get used to Dream Theater's singer. At first I hated the crap out of him, but after a while you start to accept him and then realize how talented he is and suddenly cant picture this music with any other vocalist.

So ALL of their songs arent insanely long. I think I probably exaggerated a bit yesterday when I mentioned the length. Most of their newer stuff IS quite long thought but you can quickly adapt to the songs because the cinematic type experience of the music carries you through the songs. This song is a good mixture of slow jam with a few heavier riffs in it (which start to pick up at around 2:45). The mood of this song is very awesome. This is one of my top 5 favorite Dream Theater songs. This song is a very good example of the kind of adventuristic side of Dream Theater's style:

Here's a slow yet very happy type of song with some great piano work:

If you watched that video that I posted on yesterday's blog about Liquid Tension experiment, this is a little more that kind of style. This is one of my top 3 favorite Dream Theater songs. Around 1:40 it starts to get this 90's club feel to it. Ignore the keyboard player moving around weird. He's a different guy that was only on one of their albums. This was off their 4th's album, Falling Into Infinity. The whole album has a Pink Floyd kind of feel to it which REALLY stands out in the solo that starts at 4:25.

This last song here is another one of my top 3 Dream Theater songs. It's from their second album, Images and Words, which many think of as their debut album because their true first album was really bad and has a different singer that gave the band a terrible overly done 80's sound. The vocals are very impressive in this song. Also, if you love 80's videos in the first place, you will enjoy this:

So I hope that you can now see the two kinds of Dream Theater. This blog is more about their roots and more meaningful type of music (even though most of it is very thoughtful and intelligent). I thought I would lay out their complete story so as not to give the wrong impression of them because I thought differently of them when I first listened to them as well.

Monday, November 2, 2009

BEDN Day 2- Why I Love Dream Theater So Much

Last winter I met (technically re-met. I knew him when I was little but hadn't seen him in like 10 years) one of my good friends Jeremiah. He was really into this band called Dream Theater. I heard him talk about it a little bit and eventually I saw a live DVD he had. I was blown away by the sheer amount of skill these musicians have.

I didnt pay too great of attention to them right away though. After a while I got into listening to the music with him as he played video games and stuff. We discussed the various albums they have and I decided which ones I wanted to check out first.

I started by listening to their third album, Awake, first because that was the only one he had other than their greatest hits album. He'd lost most of them over the years. I got SO INCREDIBLY INTO IT! I was also constantly looking up the band on youtube and stuff and seeing the technical abilities these musicians are capable of.

For a good reference point, here's a video of a song of theirs that they only play live. Its called "Instrumedley" as its a mash up of instrumental parts from various songs they've written:

The album that I first had by them is a bit 80's sounding and while is known as one of their best albums, still doesnt showcase everything they're capable of.

There is SO MUCH to get into with this band. They have 10 studio albums, one EP and quite a few live albums. They also have dozens of side and solo projects, the biggest one being Liquid Tension Experiment, a jazzy rock band that's like Dream Theater but with a completely different feel:

Their 10 different albums each have their own feel, mood and theme to them. This wide range of sounds plus the deep storytelling of the lyrics allows Dream Theater to be THE BAND for anyone to obsess over. There are so many things to just kind of think about with their music. Lots of it is interconnected as well. For example, the drummer, Mike Portnoy, used to be an alcoholic and made one song on each of their 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th album that span over the 12 step program in Alcoholics Anonymous. The last and first songs of sequential albums 5-8 are connected starting with the last song on the 5th album, connecting through the first on the 6th, last on the 6th to first one the 7th and so on. The 8th album, Octavarium (8, octa, get it?) starts and ends with the same note hit on a piano making the whole album becoming one continuous circle. It's fitting with the album cover which can be seen here along with one VERY IMPRESSIVE song from that album:

So many little things like this keep one interested in the band and wanting to find out all these fun little details about them.

Having acquired all 10 studio albums my addiction has reached its full potential. I have severe trouble picking favorite songs or even a favorite album because it's all so equally good that I feel like im cheating one album if I were to pick something over it.

Having so much material is also one of the ways im able to stay so interested in the band. You cant ever get tired of the music because theres so much of it and you can constantly switch between their abundance of songs. The other thing is that an average Dream Theater song is about 7-12 minutes. There is so much to just one song that it's nearly impossible to get tired of one of their songs.

The biggest thing about this band is their skill. They are so completely techincally brilliant. They've all graduated fancy music schools. As my friend says "I believe that a musicians job is to fuck the shit out of the instrument that they're playing." That's exactly what every one of them does. Each member of the band can easily be listed as one of the top 5 musicians for their respective instruments. In my opinion the drummer could be in the top 3 and their keyboard player is easily the number one most highly skilled keyboard player of all time.

Their singer can hit a high F#. Its quite impressive:

Their drummer is unlike anything I've ever seen before. To truly get him you have to SEE him play. The way he plays is very precise and almost roboticly perfect:

Their bass player plays a 6 STRING BASS! So you can imagine how great he must be:

And their guitarist plays very uniquely and completely unbelievable:

I think these videos pretty much speak for themselves.

If you'd like to get into Dream Theater i'd be happy to help guide you into it.

Over the past 10 months Dream Theater has climbed up to be my favorite band. I honestly can't see coming across anything in my lifetime that I will put ahead of them.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

BEDN Day 1- One Year Nerdfightersary!

Today, one year ago, was the day I became a nerdfighter. I subscribed to Vlogbrothers just over a year ago. Today is the day I bought Looking for Alaska one year ago. Little did I know that John and Hank would be visiting my city in 2 days (november 3rd, 2008). I did not find out until 3 days AFTER it happened. I had JUST subscribed to Vlogbrothers and I didnt yet know what was going on. I didn't know they were on a tour. This is a huge regret now.

Becoming a Nerdfighter I took on many new things. I was a fairly nerdy person in grade school. It sucked so I tried to change myself in high school. I kinda of took on a different persona for a while. After becoming a nerdfighter i sort of gave in to repressed nerdiness from grade school. It has changed the way I think. I now value things like intelligence much more.

A HUGE change is the amount that i have been reading. I've read more books in the past year than I did in the previous 10 years of my life combined since I have become a nerdfighter. I used to read about a book every two months or so and have now reached up to a maximum of one book per week.

I have gained so much from becoming a nerdfighter. The whole youtube community to start with has inspired me to do lots of great things. All the different youtubers that are involved with nerdfighters feel like a sort of home on the internet. Throw in the way to socially network with these people (twitter, facebook, skype) and you're in for a completely different way of interacting with people.

And the QUALITY of these people is astonishing. Lots of nerdfighters seem to find that they become better friends with other nerdfighters online than people they know in real life. I can easily agree to this. Theres just some level of intelectualism and love for "nerdy things" like reading and certain movies and stuff.

The stuff that comes to be as a result of nerdfighters blow my mind all the time. One mentionable thing is DFTBA records and it's sort of second sub-community within nerdfighters.

Every aspect of nerdfighters flows together to create something that has completely changed the person I am. Its very hard to explain though. It has given me so much. I cant even believe the things that have ended up in my life as a result of making the decision to becoming a nerdfighter. Ive met so many amazing people, ive branched out and tried new things, ive taken on many new loves of things I havnt seen, watched, heard, or done before.

The whole nerdfighter thing by itself isn't even what amazes me the most, its the huge amount of other things that changed in my life. Nerdfighters kind of rippled and affected many different parts of me. Such as twitter. Theres no way I would have twitter if I wasnt a nerdfighter. And if you use twitter, you know the kind of amazing endless crazy kind of world it can be. Other things like dailybooth and even this blog that kind of let me broadcast myself to other people via various forms of creative outlets. I could just about write a blog in itself for each subject of my life that nerdfighters has influenced or brought to life.

Such as the people i know because of skype. It is impossbile to explain how amazing friends through skype has become. They're like people that you can relate to more than anyone else you could ever know in regular life because they're all here in this community BECAUSE we are so compatible with each other through our nerdy interests.

Nerdfighters is like steroids for your mind on some levels.

If you would like a bit more of a synopsis of certain events that have come to pass as a result of me becoming a nerdfighter, i'd like to direct your attention to another blog post where I recently
discussed the difference in my life starting with having slow internet, going through becoming a youtuber and ending with where I am with youtube and all the people I know through the internet: http://paulsaysthings.blogspot.com/2009/10/how-i-came-to-be-where-i-am-now-on.html

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If I've Been MIA From The Internet For A While....

It's because i'm burnt out of it for now. Ive been focusing A LOT of my attention to the internet for the pats couple of weeks. I got burnt out of it. I do this all the time. I focus so much into one thing and then I throw it aside.

Plus, im becoming sick and all I want to do is sit around and watch The Office. Staring at the screen gives me a headache when im all nasal-y.

It's been one of my goals to stay away from the internet for a full week. I have just now decided as I'm writing this that it's time to do it.

I'm going to post my wednesday video for 7awesomebookworms tomorrow and then: no skype, no twitter, no facebook, no youtube, no dailybooth, no blogger, no internet until the next wednesday.

I feel like I should do this now because im going to be doing Blog Every Day in November so I obviously cant do this next month. The timing just feels right.

Those of you that have my number, feel free to call/text me during that week. Im sure I will be glad to hear from you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Basically We're Cool....

[4:34:57 PM] Arka says: :\
[4:35:06 PM] Esther says: :/
[4:35:13 PM] Valerie says: :\
[4:35:15 PM] Esther says: :/
[4:35:20 PM] Paul(SaysThings) says: :\
[4:35:24 PM] Valerie says: :/
[4:35:28 PM] Esther says: :\
[4:35:36 PM] Paul(SaysThings) says: :/
[4:35:39 PM] Valerie says: :\
[4:35:41 PM] Esther says: :/
[4:35:50 PM] Paul(SaysThings) says: :\
[4:35:55 PM] Valerie says: :/
[4:35:59 PM] Esther says: :\
[4:36:06 PM] Paul(SaysThings) says: :/
[4:36:10 PM] Valerie says: :\
[4:36:14 PM] Esther says: :/
[4:36:17 PM] Paul(SaysThings) says: :\
[4:36:20 PM] Valerie says: :/
[4:36:23 PM] Esther says: :\
[4:36:28 PM] Arielle Lindsey Roberts says: wtf guys!
[4:36:30 PM] Valerie says: NO
[4:36:33 PM] Paul(SaysThings) says: CCCOMBO BREAKER

hahahaha. you guys are awesome <3

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How I Came To Be Where I Am Now (on the internet)

It's coming up on my one year anniversary of becoming a nerdfighter. It's been an UH-MAZING year. I've met so many awesome people and done so many awesome things. It's only been a year but it feels like much longer. I cant even think about what it would be like had certain events not transpired. Im going to list how I came to be where I currently am. Please note that all these steps seemed arbitrary at the time, however exciting each step may have been. I would have never guessed that these events would domino effect to change my life so much.

1. The day I got hi-speed internet- I used to have AOL. We had it for SO LONG. After a long time of complaining about it we FINALLY got DSL. I think it was some time late in the year 2007. During that year there were all these amazing things going on that I would eventually get involved with. But I had no idea these things even existed yet.

After I got fast internet I could FINALLY watch youtube videos. I'd been on youtube before but very little because AOL doesnt load the videos for crap. It takes FOREVER to load a video. So I was finally able to watch videos. That first few weeks that I could watch videos was so amazing. Of course I was new so I didnt know anything of the amazing powers of youtube. All I did was watch animals and fat people doing funny stuff. Eventually I started to find videos that I couldnt watch because there was an age limit on them. My brother had started an account in order to verify his age to get past this. He actually had an account on youtube before I did if you can believe it (he doesnt really do much but barely watch videos. He's uploaded a few videos of him screwing around with his friends).

2. I signed up for a youtube account January 23rd, 2008. A seemingly arbitrary thing, but looking back it's incredible how important that move was.

A month after having a youtube account I posted my first few videos. They were recordings from a Ludo acoustic show I went to. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8ukvRYDW-c )

3. On March 22nd, 2008 I posted my "first" video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IIUSrEn2wE ) . It was a bass cover. I put up a few more bass covers until.....

(I forgot to mention somewhere in here was when I got my laptop. This was a key event but im already at step 8 so I dont feel like changing the story. If i didnt have my own computer then all of the events may not have happened because i had free reign of the internet whenever i felt like it)

4. I posted my first video that had me talking in it on March 22nd, 2008. It was done in one take. I talked about some DVDs. It was REALLY HORRIBLE ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnawMGqLn90 ) The best part is that I messed up what I was saying in the second sentence to come out of my mouth. I was so awkward talking on camera.

5. I finally figured out how to use the editing software my computer came with (Windows Movie Maker). The video files had to be converted before I could put them into the editor. Once I figured that out I was in business. I started looking around youtube for people to gain influence from. One of these was HayleyGHoover. This channel that I randomly stumbled upon began the changing of my life.

I did not know of the fiveawesomegirls the time I found Hayley. I don't remember how I eventually found her on the fiveawesomegirls. It was probably in the related videos or something. Hayley talked about this thing called "nerdfighters". I just kind of ignored her when she talked about it because it confused me. Eventually she posted footage on the fiveawesomegirls channel of a nerdfighter gathering. At that moment I thought nerdfighters was a Live Action Role Playing (LARP) game. The title "nerdfighters" made me think of a bunch of nerds standing in a field screaming "TWO MAGIC! 5 DAMAGE!" to each other.

6. The vlogbrothers were linked in the sidebar of a fiveawesomegirls video. I checked it out. I was still very confused for a while. I didnt consider myself a nerdfighter yet. I figured that I didnt have the credentials to be one or to be recognized by others as one. I decided that I must read these books that John Green wrote as a way of starting my initiation. I started with Looking For Alaska which I bought some time near the end of October. I consider the end of October when I officially became a nerdfighter.

From then on I considered myself one. I realized that I was a nerd at heart. I had been one in grade school but had repressed it severely in high school because of the bad reaction I got to it in grade school. Becoming a nerdfighter made me go back to my roots and to sort of liberate part of myself that I was repressing for the past few years.

During this whole time I was making videos and making acquaintances. Youtube had already given me lots of things. In many ways it simply served as a media outlet. A place I could check out music videos for new bands to listen to, see movie trailers, etc. There are no huge specific examples of my life being changed, but this period of time is still very important.

7. On February 2nd, 2008 I started my second youtube account- PaulSaysThings. I decided that my old account (bassownz) didnt have any focus. I was making dozens of different types of videos and it didnt look like i knew what I wanted to do with my channel. The other big reason for switching was that I finally got an HD camera and was getting confident enough in my abilities to entertain people and make quality content. I knew that I had lots of copyrighted material on my bassownz channel and that that was going to hold me back from potentially gaining my goal of becoming a youtube partner. So I decided to scrap everything that I had done and start completely fresh. It was very liberating and exciting.

8. Some time after making my channel, im not sure when but It was a few months in, I was subscribed by a user named Morgan (outofmyelement). This seemed like just another subscriber, but if I were to say that I would be terribly wrong.

(I think Morgan may have been the first nerdfighter to subscribe to me. Im probably wrong on that but it sounds about right.)

Morgan was the first to take the initiative in conversation. I can't remember what was said exactly but long story short we ended up following each other on twitter. (twitter could probably be another step but that's more of a side quest than something directly relevant to the main story line) Morgan told me about this thing called tweetdeck which was an application that ran twitter. I got tweetdeck and it caused me to tweet more because it was an open program and I didnt have to go onto the website every time to use twitter.

We replied back and forth until somewhere along the line I got skype and talked to Morgan on skype.

9. Step 9 actually involves another person. Katy (karatetentacles). I met Katy one night on skype because she was in a call with Morgan and then I was added to the call.

After becoming very confident in my video making abilities I began to start to want to become part of a collaboration channel on youtube. I asked Katy if she would want to start one and she said that she was already in one and they happened to need a new Wednesday. Eventually I joined the 7awesomebookworms channel. Here I met the other people that were the other days of the week on the channel.

10. Im not even sure how this step came to be. One night on skype Katy randomly added me to this giant skype chat. I recognized lots of the usernames in the chat from blogtv but had never actually talked to any of them.

Pretty much the rest kinda fills in itself. There are other stops along the way such as 2008's Project For Awesome where I strengthened my ties as a nerdfighter and discovered some amazing youtubers such as Doctor Noise. Another thing worth mentioning is the blogtv shows along the way. I meet cool people there all the time.

So here I am now. Youtuber, twitter-er, blogger, dailyboother, skyper, and nerdfighter.

These things came to be because of this chain of events.

I am so much nerdier now that I have ever been and it's pretty great (*makes raocow reference*)

I also read a LOT more, which is also pretty great.

So many other things worth mentioning. They all wont come to mind at the moment though. Things like The Mountain Goats and Raocow and all the amazing inside jokes and awesome times ive had with everyone through my computer.

To the people I have met (mostly via skype): Morgan, Katy, Cory, Darci, Kaitlin, Eevee, Rachel, Valerie, Abby, Esther, Arka, Julian, Blaze, Sara, and everyone else im forgetting because im sure theres a LOT im forgetting. You guys are amazing. Im lots of ways I definitely think that you are all cooler than I am. You guys have been PROUD nerds for a long time and I have only just recently reinstated that title upon myself. I love you guys VERY VERY MUCH <3

Best year of my life? We'll see...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If I did NaNo, the terribleness would kill people.

I'm talking on skype with a bunch of people. Some of them are mentioning NaNoWriMo. This is something that i've just recently heard of. Its where you write an entire novel within the month of November. All the "cool kids" seem to be doing it. But not me.

I am a horrible writer. Even as I write this I only have a vague grasp of what the next sentence is going to be. I don't really know what it's going to be until it comes out. Like this. Or this. Typing. Typing. Typing (jee, typing is so fun when you do it really fast) Anyways....

If I WERE to participate in NaNoaweroaiwefomweit;am;df, the end result would be a disaster. I have creative blocks. Not just with writing but with just about everything. And sadly writing is where lots of creative outlets are started.

Maybe I just need to do it more often. Isn't that why i'm here in the first place writing this right now? Actually, in this case, it's not. I decided to write this blog because of our skype conversation about NaNo.

Getting back on track. If I were to to participate, my "novel" would probably end up as all my school papers. I don't have any experience with long intensive writings other than school essays. Sure i've written short stories, but that wasn't since like the third grade. (that was also quite a disaster). When I write (anything) I tend to make it up as its happening on the page. Its kind of exciting in a way. The way the words just kinda stream through my head and make sentences that hopefully work with one another to form something. But as far as planning goes there's usually next to nothing buzzing around in my head. I have an inkling as to what I want/need to talk about and where I want/need to go with it. Usually i'll have a few specific points of interest along the way. Things that I know I must touch upon. But even that stuff is mostly being formed as its coming onto the paper/computer.

Here I am writing a whole blog about not being able to write. Maybe i'm better at it then I think I am. Maybe my writing "style" does work and I just need to know how to write something and then revise, edit, and rewrite it. Maybe I should keep up writing like this to gain my confidence and try NaNo next year (?). I guess I could, actually. Just not this year because I've only just found out that it exists a few months ago.

The whole reason I'm writing this blog in the first place is because of the skype call. (here's another problem I have: I babble too much and seem to mention the same things over and over. I talk like that sometimes too). I decided that I would come up with the basis of a story on the spot to show everyone what it would be like if I did NaNo. I write an incredibly short and unfinished plot off the top of my head. I didnt put much thought into it. I just tried to get through with the story portion then focusing on all the details that could make even a bad story bearable.

Anyway. This is the disaster that came out of my fingers within about 3 minutes:

So theres this guy, and he's walking down the street. he keeps walking until he finds this sandwich lying on the ground. he picks it up. it looks seemingly delicious. he decides to take a bite. he puts the sandwich up to his mouth. stops. hesitates. he begins to wonder what might happen if he eats the sandwich. he puts the sandwich back on the ground and walks away. the sandwich begins to glow. "eat me" it says. so he picks up the sandwich and takes a bite.

chapter 2: sitting in the hospital bed our as of yet unnamed protagonist is conversing with the doctor. he is told that he has aids....