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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BEDA 11- Sports COULD HAVE BEEN like life

I played baseball in gradeschool. From about third grade till sixth grade I think. Can't remember exactly.

Anyways our team was pretty boss. The last-ish year I played we had an undefeated season and moved up into a league higher than our age level. We had two AMAZING pitchers and a few people that were just fantastic at specific things like catcher, first base, and hitting. We owned a bunch of tournaments and made it to the county playoffs one time (which was creepy as hell because they announced your name as you came up to bat and it was so official that we got freaked out and lost so badly).

I quit baseball because it was starting to get in the way of Boy Scouts. If you do not know I have been pretty big in boy scouts. I made it all the way to eagle scout. But ive had this weird theory about what could have happened if i quit boy scouts and pursued baseball throughout the rest of grade school and into high school.

First off I would have a different group of friends and different outlooks on things. I would have hung out with more sporty type people in high school which would have completely changed who I am today. I decided to be all anti-sporty people in high school and get involved with a bunch of alternative type people (which influenced 90% of the music I now listen to and some of my ways of thinking). The label I associated myself with in high school kinda worked out in the end because goth-ish people are usually nerds who like invader zim and old school video games. (just look at how much nerdy stuff there is at hot topic).

But if I had preppy friends i'd probably listen to rap now and be going to an out of town state university and being all "normal" and whatnot (and boring). I probably would have gone to a private high school because that's what all those types of people from my grade school went to. Private high school would have basically turned me into the opposite of who I currently am.

Its just so weird to think that if I had made one simple path change in my past I could be sitting here as someone I currently look down upon. I'd be that person and not be here blogging, listening to this music and chatting with my online friends. I'd be packing for college and talking about what parties i'm going to this weekend or something.

Boy Scouts and people not accepting me in grade school were kind of the best things to happen to me.

Reading: finished another story in oblivion today. Hopefully getting some prisoner of azkaban pwned tonight.

Last song scrobbled: "Somatically Incorrect" - Whitechapel

Days till school starts: 12 (oh no! did i mention I hate my school?)

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