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Thursday, August 5, 2010

BEDA 5- My Day, Patronus/Love Potion

I'm going to start calling it BEDA, despite the face that I initially hated it, because its easier

First of all i'd like to say that I didn't even turn on my computer until 2pm so I could get things done. Granted today I set my alarm for 8:30 in attempt to get into a regular sleeping/waking schedule but I fell asleep twice and got up at 9:30. So tomorrow i'm setting it for 8:45 (15 minutes extra can do WONDERS)
So today I finished reading HP and the Sorceror's Stone and immediately put my bookmark in Chamber of Secrets (gonna start it tonight). I also finished the first story in Oblivion by David Foster Wallace that I am reading along with Valerie(2776) and Arka(pain).
Once that was over I turned on my computer and immediately got to "work" by finishing up The Show with Ze Frank. So now i'm officially done with my orientation and am a new member of the league of awesomeness (you have no clue what that means unless you watch The Show)

So now to talk about my patronus. Ive taken many quizzes to make sure I get the same result (the same thing I did to make SURE I was a Ravenclaw) and the answer I always get is a squirrel. Squirrels are my favorite animals which tends to make people laugh sometimes. I love them. They're like ninjas and have that animal way of thinking like dogs and cats that make them funny.
I guess I can relate to a squirrels mannerisms. They are very sporatic and gittery. Ever seen a squirrel in the middle of a road when a car is coming towards it? Quite often squirrels will run back and forth not sure which side they should run to before getting hit my a FREAKING CAR. I can be the same way with decisions. I'll go back and forth and frequently change my mind about things (like yesterday's blog about my priorities constantly changing)

Since that didn't take up enough blog space i'll go into more harry potter stuff and tell you about what the love potion smells like to me (if you dont know there is a love potion in harry potter that smells different to everyone) To me it would smell like the inside of Barnes and Noble. That bookstore specifically smells better than others. I'm not sure why. Part of it is probably because of the coffee shop they have in there which gives a faint smell of coffee on top of the smell of new books. Old books DO smell interesting but I think a room full of NEW books smells better than old books.

Reading: PWNED for the day. Finished Sorcerer's Stone, started Chamber of Secrets and read some of Oblivion
Days Not Smoking: 1 (ok I failed yesterday so kill me. but i'm still noticing that the initial act is what I find exciting about doing it, not the effects, because often those suck after almost 3 years of doing it)
Last Song Scrobbled: 'The Curse of Castle Dragon'- Paul Gilbert


  1. squirrels are pretty tight. (ew i just said that, sorry) i'd be proud of my patronus if it were a squirrel. sadly i don't know what mine really is yet.

  2. Amortentia has 3 distinct smells to the person jeez what are your other two


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