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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I need to start planing out my bloging thing because I dont have ideas and then I say hey tweet me ideas and everyone wants me to either talk about them or Katy's boobs. And its 11:47 and my brother is being a bitch and telling me to get off the computer. I sort of lose my mind when I get in front of the computer. Its ADD gone wild. Especially when I have this ability to multitask like a baws on this giant screen I have now. Skype, background music, checking random social networking sites, and then theres the stuff i'm ~supposed to do~. Like blog. This doesnt even count the things I'm supposed to do/distractions outside the computer.

I wanted to read today. Like a lot because I didnt read yesterday and i'm reading a book along with other people so i need to keep up. I DID NOT READ TODAY BECAUSE OF THIS COMPUTER.

I need to learn some self control. Lots of it is I feel like i'm going to miss out of something so that I just stay online to see what happens.

I guess I could make BEDA have an overarching theme of self control.

Speaking of self control and failing at it let me bring up the fact that I got back into smoking the last 3 weeks. It sucks. My current goal is to not do it within the month of August as a start.

So I guess I can end blogs with that as well

Days of not smoking: 6 or 7 I can't remember. Lets go with 6 because it will make me feel like i've achieved less which will make me want to achieve more

Reading: the same stuff I did yesterday with NO PROGRESS
Last song scrobbled: "The Grand Conjuration"- Opeth


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