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Sunday, August 15, 2010

BEDA 15-Inception (and thoughts)


I saw inception last night. An hour into it I thought the film was one of the best. Half way through it I realized its probably my new favorite movie (or at least tied with fight club.) the scene where the van is folling and it's making the sleeping people fight in the hotel in zero gravity was so amazing. i just sat there with my mouth hanging open for like 45 minutes. it was perfectly confusing. just enough for me to understand it but crazy enough to be intriguing and deep. ellen page is hot. leonardo dicaprio didn't douche up the movie AT ALL. the only parts I didnt understand were very minor and parts that I didnt care about. I cried twice during the movie not out of sadness but out of sheer joy and excitement of how fantastic the movie was. on a scale of 1-5 i'd give it 30. on a scale of 1-10 i'd give it 600. inception is like if you woke up from the matrix into the real world and find out that the world you knew was a fake simulation and then you woke up from that and find out that everything you just learned about the matrix was planted in your mind by someone else who thought it up, and then you woke up again. inception has already changed the way I think about a few different things. it unhinged a few areas of my mind.

Since I have no real topic i'm going to keep my inception topic and just talk about some thoughts

Tomorrow is monday and I am off work. Tomorrow is one week until school. I still have to go get my books/parking permit. I do not want this school year to start. Next summer will be my last summer. WOW.

Eevee won my soul today in a game of OMGPOP pool.

Blaze is awesome. She was on blogtv and it was awesome. We are gonna break the world record for longest hug (24 hrs 17 min) Blaze wants to know what happens when we have to pee while hugging. Comment if you have suggestions.

I have taken 30 minutes to write this wow I should have started reading like an hour ago.

This year my school is giving free metro passes to all students so I can take the train down to the loop like every weekend now and go to the record store and chipotle omfg.

Tomorrow i might go get animal farm and farenheit 451 from target because they're really cheap on their "classics" rack. i wont be able to read them for a while because of other reading priorities but then i'll have them and wont have to think about it anymore which is nice.

I think about things like that very strangely. I'll get it in my head- ok, i want to read animal farm. and then i'll plan out when i'm gonna read it (after harry potter and during DFW but only if mockingjay is not out yet) and stuff like that and then i'll find out where i'm going to buy it and then i'm where i'm at now. and I havent bought it. i have no reason to get it just yet because i'm not gonna read it for a while. but it's such a fully articulate thing that I've contemplated that If i just go out and get it so it can sit on my shelf, its one less thing that i'll think about. very strange feeling indeed.

I only have 1 amoxycillin (sp) pill left to take with breakfast tomorrow and then i'm done with that prescription. meaning my healing of my wisdom teeth is pretty much done. one of my stitches came out yesterday. i ate a few hot dogs (with difficulty) and i'm about ready to go back to hot foods. w/r/t my other prescription (which is also running to its end) I found out that i had been calling it oxycodone which is just its chemical name. the pills i have are percocet. this was not necessarily a "good" discovery as the first thing that came to mind was "OH! i know what people do with those (besides take them for pain)" for more info please see the end of this blog.

Reading: read some Goblet of Fire today. no work tomorrow so i'll stay up late reading and then read a lot tomorrow

Last song scrobbled: "Through My Words"- Dream Theater

I have not smoked in 11 days but I did take 2 and a half percocet today but I felt nothing. it changed my blood pressure which made me feel hot but it always does that even if I take 1 like i'm supposed to. dont get all freaked out about it. it takes 3 before i'm in the zone where I need to worry about it and based on my weight and no tolerance built up for opiods i am NOT going to go there so i'm not afraid of any of this. plus i only have a few pills left total and once they are gone i am not doing anything like this again.

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